Somerset Academy Bethany Home Page


Empowering students to explore global learning opportunities to promote and enrich their communities and the communities we serve.



Academica is one of the nation’s longest-serving and most successful charter school service and support organizations. The Company was founded in 1999 on the principle that each charter school is a unique educational environment governed by an independent Board of Directors that best knows the right path for its school.

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upcoming event

January 15
PTO sponsored dress down
07:30 AM - 02:30 PM
PTO sponsored dress down (cartoon character)...
January 20
Holiday - MLK Day
07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
February 05
Early Release Day
07:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Paint Night

Bolt Families, The School Store is now open to sign up for this month’s Family Engagement Activity! Event: Somerset Academy Bethany Paint Night Date:Deadline:...

Permission Slips for What's In the Water

Kinder Bolt Families, Reminder tomorrow is the deadline to turn in permission slips for the What's in the water activity on Thursday Jan. 16th. If your student...

PTO sponsored dress down

PTO sponsored dress down (cartoon character) for 1/15. See flyer for details. Contact for info!

Data Chat Snacks

The PTO is looking for donations of snacks, goodies and beverages for Data Chat week next week! Please send into your teacher or drop them by B5 during school hours....

our media
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